wetland and preserve maintenance

Preserve Wetland Management in Venice, FL

Our natural resources should be protected so they can be enjoyed by many for years to come. We provide preserve wetland management in Venice, FL, and the surrounding areas. With all the exotic and invasive species that have been introduced to Florida's landscape over the years, it doesn't take long before these plants find their way into our natural areas. That is why it's important to conduct routine maintenance of these areas with preserve and wetland maintenance. We provide invasive species control to prevent our preserves and wetlands from being overrun. In a very short period of time, these areas can become overrun with invasive species such as Brazilian Pepper, Melaleuca, Carrotwood, Rosewood, and Primrose willow, to name a few.

These invasive species are harmful to our natural areas as they can quickly form dense mono-cultures that displace and out-compete our native vegetation. As stewards of our land, we are committed to properly removing and controlling these invasive species so they don't return. Once these invasive plants are removed, native plants will again have a chance to thrive. Contact us today for more information about our other services, such as littoral shelf maintenance, fish stocking, and many more.

Inspections, Treatments, & Monitoring

We conduct regularly scheduled inspections, monitoring, and treatments of wetlands and preserves to maintain compliance in accordance with your local county and governmental agency requirements. Inspections and or treatments a generally conducted on a quarterly basis. Treatments are conducted to ensure control of invasive species. This is accomplished by first cutting and removing all invasive species from the site. Secondly selective herbicide applications are made to the stumps that remain to ensure there is no regrowth. Whether these governmental agencies are still conducting monitoring of these areas or you have met the required success criteria, our staff can provide the continued maintenance you need to stay in compliance:

  • Comprehensive Monitoring Reports Completed & Sent to All Agencies
  • Selective Control of Invasive Species by Herbicide or Manual Removal
  • Buffer Plantings and Wetland Restoration to Achieve Success Criteria

Comprehensive Planning

Make sure you reach the success criteria and release from reporting requirements in a timely manner with a comprehensive plan we create for you. If you have been informed that you need to report to SWFWMD, Sarasota County, DEP, or any other regulatory agency, contact us today. We can begin your reporting process immediately and keep you in compliance.

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